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Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District


DNR Lake Number: 70001800

Public Boat Access: No access

Quick Facts

Surface Area

30 acres

Ordinary High Water Level*

930.4 feet above sea level

Average Depth

3 feet

Maximum Depth

13 feet

Connectivity to other waterbodies

Intermittently flows out of the District into the Credit River Watershed

Aquatic Invasive Species

Curlyleaf pondweed, Eurasian watermilfoil

Interesting History

Cates Lake was named after Earl Cates when he had an 80 acre farm set up in lots. It was originally called Kneafsey’s Lake. Earl owned about 3/4 of the shoreline and the Ludowese farm bordered the east side. He purchased it in the late 1930’s for $2000. Old man Kneafsey had a little cabin on the hill above the cove. The only deep spot was in that little cove on the west end where the springs were. (Information from Earl’s son, Larry Cates via Kathy Dawson)

Water Quality

Cates Lake water quwality report card


Cates Lake map image

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