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Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District


Swamp Lake Iron Enhanced Sand Filter

The Swamp Iron Enhanced Sand Filter (IESF) is an important part of watershed nutrient reduction and preventing nutrients from reaching the downstream County Ditch 13 system, Spring Lake and Prior Lakes. The Swamp IESF is expected to filter, bind with excess nutrients, and remove 89 lbs of Phosphorus per year, and presents one of most cost-effective, and far-reaching solutions in the watershed strategy.


Project Location: Near the outlet of Swamp Lake

Property Information:

The District worked with a landowner to obtain an easement for this important project on private farmland. The water leaving Swamp Lake, has too many nutrients before it even leaves the lake. By locating the Iron Enhanced Sand Filter near the outlet of Swamp Lake, the filter is able to treat the problem before it travels downstream.

Status Details:

The Watershed District is seeking grants to support expected construction in 2025.

The Swamp Iron Enhanced Sand Filter (IESF) is designed to improve water quality by removing excess nutrients which cause algal blooms and other problems. The filter will be a designed and constructed area containing a settling area and a filtration media of sand mixed with iron filings. When the water travels through the iron filings, a excessive nutrient, Phosphorus, will bind with the iron. The water leaving the filter will return to County Ditch 13 cleaner and ready for it's journey to Spring and Prior Lakes.

  • Image slide of Future Project Site

    Future Project Site


  • Remove 89 pounds of Phosphorus from the watershed each year.


  • Winter 2023- Completed feasibility study and determined preferred water quality approach for the site.
  • Spring 2024- Easement obtained with landowner. 
  • Summer 2024- Grant obtained through Board of Soil and Water Resources Watershed Based Implementation Fund, and supporting match from Spring Lake Township dedicated to project. Other grant applications submitted.
  • Fall/Winter 2024- Continue progress to final design.
  • 2025- Anticipated construction and associated permitting.

Related Documents


  • Board of Soil and Water Resources
  • Spring Lake Township