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Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District


2013 Sediment Coring Study of Spring Lake Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Prior Lake Outlet Channel Repairs: Bank Erosion Project

Bank erosion repair work has been completed along the channel. Maintenance for vegetation reestablishment is an ongoing project.

2016 Spring Lake Phase II Sediment Monitoring and Alum Treatment Recommendation Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Subwatershed Analysis for West Upper Watershed Document

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2013 Phosphorus Release and Accumulation in the Sediments of Fish and Pike Lake Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Arctic Lake Sediment Assessment (2012) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Spring Lake Sediment Core Analysis, Alum Dose Determination and Application Plan Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Buck Lake Aquatic Plant and Sediment Survey (2010) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2010 Spring Lake Sediment Study – Pre and Post Settlement Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2008 Curlyleaf and Eurasian Watermilfoil Growth Potential based on Lake Sediment Characteristics for Spring Lake – Detailed Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2008 Curlyleaf and Eurasian Watermilfoil Growth Potential based on Lake Sediment Characteristics for Spring, Fish, Upper Prior, and Lower Prior Lakes Document

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2013 Sediment Coring Study of Spring Lake Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2016 Spring Lake Phase II Sediment Monitoring and Alum Treatment Recommendation Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Subwatershed Analysis for West Upper Watershed Document

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2013 Phosphorus Release and Accumulation in the Sediments of Fish and Pike Lake Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Arctic Lake Sediment Assessment (2012) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Spring Lake Sediment Core Analysis, Alum Dose Determination and Application Plan Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Buck Lake Aquatic Plant and Sediment Survey (2010) Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2010 Spring Lake Sediment Study – Pre and Post Settlement Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2008 Curlyleaf and Eurasian Watermilfoil Growth Potential based on Lake Sediment Characteristics for Spring Lake – Detailed Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

2008 Curlyleaf and Eurasian Watermilfoil Growth Potential based on Lake Sediment Characteristics for Spring, Fish, Upper Prior, and Lower Prior Lakes Document

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Prior Lake Outlet Channel Repairs: Bank Erosion Project

Bank erosion repair work has been completed along the channel. Maintenance for vegetation reestablishment is an ongoing project.