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Winter Salt Awareness Week is a collaboration of governmental and non-governmental organizations across the US and Canada with a goal to raise awareness around salt pollution and reduction solutions
Studies by the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District determined Upper Prior Lake was impaired/threatened by an excess of phosphorus and recommended that the phosphorus concentration should be reduced by to achieve water quality goals.
PLSLWD treated Spring Lake with Aluminum Sulfate (Alum) in 2013, 2018, and 2020.
The Ferric Chloride Treatment Facility is one of the District's "nutrient reduction powerhouses". Reducing nutrients reaching Spring Lake is essential for preventing algal blooms and other water quality problems.
The project enhanced a section of shoreline along Fish Lake behind the Spring Lake Township town hall and implemented a prairie restoration on the north side of the property.
The Sand Point Beach Park Pond Improvements Project improves the efficiency of stormwater treatment before it enters Prior Lake. The project includes three components: Maintenance & Expansion of the Two Existing Ponds, Iron-Enhanced Sand Filter, and Prairie Restoration.
Winter Salt Awareness Week is a collaboration of governmental and non-governmental organizations across the US and Canada with a goal to raise awareness around salt pollution and reduction solutions
Studies by the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District determined Upper Prior Lake was impaired/threatened by an excess of phosphorus and recommended that the phosphorus concentration should be reduced by to achieve water quality goals.
PLSLWD treated Spring Lake with Aluminum Sulfate (Alum) in 2013, 2018, and 2020.
The Ferric Chloride Treatment Facility is one of the District's "nutrient reduction powerhouses". Reducing nutrients reaching Spring Lake is essential for preventing algal blooms and other water quality problems.
The project enhanced a section of shoreline along Fish Lake behind the Spring Lake Township town hall and implemented a prairie restoration on the north side of the property.
The Sand Point Beach Park Pond Improvements Project improves the efficiency of stormwater treatment before it enters Prior Lake. The project includes three components: Maintenance & Expansion of the Two Existing Ponds, Iron-Enhanced Sand Filter, and Prairie Restoration.
The restoration project includes buckthorn removal, an oak savanna restoration, beach plant community restoration, shoreline restoration and replacing the existing turf grass with low-maintenance grass.
The shoreline area at Watzl’s beach was previously dominated by invasive plants and erosion was occurring at the shoreline. As such, the site was in desperate need of restoration.
The project will filter out sediments and nutrients from the stormwater that runs off properties and streets in the Indian Ridge Park neighborhood before it reaches Lower Prior Lake.
Shoreline restoration prevents soil erosion from entering our lake, as well as providing filtration for other pollutants. Native plants provide bank stabilization, water filtration, and habitat improvement. Three main shoreline restoration techniques were used to stabilize these areas: brush bundles, cedar revetment and native plantings with erosion control blanket.
This project consists of three components: retrofitting stormwater ponds with iron-sand filters, restoring a wetland, and managing carp.
The CR12/17 Wetland Restoration Project is an innovative stormwater treatment project intended to improve water quality in Spring Lake.
Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District completed retrofit projects on the Boudin neighborhood reconstruction that previously drained untreated to Lower Prior Lake.