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Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District


Happy 2025 - Great news about the Carp Population in Upper Prior Lake News

Since 2015, PLSLWD has been hard at work reducing the carp population in Upper Prior Lake and we've made incredible progress!

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2023 Integrated Pest Management Plan (IMP) Document

319 Final Report Document

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2020-2021 Integrated Pest Management Plan for Common Carp Document

Carp Management Grant Project Factsheet (2015-17) Document

Carp Management Project Factsheet Document

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Arctic Lake Restoration Project Project

This project consists of three components: retrofitting stormwater ponds with iron-sand filters, restoring a wetland, and managing carp.

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Spring Lake Carp Tagging 2012 Document

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Waterbodies: Topic: Resource topic:

Happy 2025 - Great news about the Carp Population in Upper Prior Lake News

Since 2015, PLSLWD has been hard at work reducing the carp population in Upper Prior Lake and we've made incredible progress!

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Arctic Lake Restoration Project Project

This project consists of three components: retrofitting stormwater ponds with iron-sand filters, restoring a wetland, and managing carp.

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